Terms and Conditions

Don't do anything illegal. Don't do anything that will get us in trouble, don't do anything that will get you in trouble. Don't do anything that prevents people from enjoying the site. If something bad happens because you used this site, it is not our fault. If someone else uses this site to do something bad, we're not liable, but feel free to tell us and we'll do what we can to help.

This is a free service. We'll give you your money back if you are upset. We reserve the right to block abusive users that cause problems for us or for other users.

It is hard to imagine how someone could abuse this site. People are super-creative, though. Please don't do something evil that causes us to have to write something more legally solid. That sort of language is tedious.


We don't collect user information.

We don't want it.

We do let you type a name for yourself and your song, but feel free to leave those blank or use an alias.

Our server logs IP addresses and sites that refer you to us, like every other server on the internet. IP addresses can often be used to tell your location, but it's hard to identify individual users without cookies. We don't use cookies, and we don't use your IP to track you. We don't want to track you. Referring sites can be used to tell what you clicked on that brought you here.

We do collect information on the mixes! We're interested in what people create, how many other people listen to it, and what other sites link to it.

We have never received a National Security Letter.

Bug Disclosure

If you find a bug, let us know. If it's a security flaw, we would definitely appreciate if you gave us a chance to fix it before telling the rest of the world.


If you feel like someone has somehow voilated your copyright, and used 8bit.mx to do so, then please send a message to dmca at 8bit dot mx with an appropriate subject line.

Please keep in mind that, as this is a tool for composing original arrangements as they would sound on 1980s game hardware and not a music upload service, legitimate claims are unlikely, but provided you strictly comply with 17 U.S. Code § 512, we'll take your claim seriously and do what the law requires us to do. If you don't comply with the law when making your request, then we are not legally obligated to do anything at all. There is no legal confidentiality protection for DMCA takedown notices, so if you don't want your DMCA takedown notice to show up somewhere where the public can view it, then weigh the value of removing someone's mix from our site against the value of keeping the information private and make a decision.

If someone files a notice against your mix, we do not have a way to contact you. If you make something and you notice that it is gone, please email us at the same address mentioned above and we'll give you the information required to file a counter-claim. Sorry, but that's the best we can do.